Hello Friends!
This is the weather in Webster, NY today. It is our first snowstorm of the year and it is Feb. 12. This weather is wacky! It is a great day to work on bookmarks for the 2012 Bookmark Challenge and my 6 fat men. Happy Stitching Everyone!!
In Stitches,
The weather is wacky - we have next to no snow.
Enjoy your day of stitching!
Wow!! That is a LOT of snow Maureen! We apparently had a dusting in Virginia Beach last night. Alas, I was down in NC though, where there was NONE! Wacky Winter for sure! Hgs!
Wow---is that the view from your house? If so, it's gorgeous! We actually had about a quarter inch of show yesterday, enough to cover everything...it was beautiful, and the dogs had a lot of fun running in it. Today it's mostly melted, but that's Virginia for you! Lots of love!
We made it out of that mess safe and sound even though delayed. Don't get to far ahead of me on those 6 Fat Men.......
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